8 Days 7 Nights

With the Selva Maya tour get ready to discover the most authentic Mexico, from the heart of Chiapas we will reach the Yucatan after discovering natural beauty and Mayan sites of unique beauty.
We will start from a natural wonder that will leave you breathless, the Sumidero Canyon which we will admire while sailing along the Grijalva river where we will also be able to spot numerous crocodiles, vultures and howler monkeys. We will visit the beautiful San Cristobal de las Casas, the indigenous communities of Zinacantan and the most mystical and mysterious church in Mexico San Juan Chamula.
We will visit the Agua Azul waterfalls or those of Misol Ha before entering the heart of the Lacandona Selva accompanied by the Lacandones, Indian people descended from the Mayans, who will show us the secrets of the jungle. We will then explore one of the most evocative archaeological sites in Chiapas, the ruins of Yaxchilan,  reachable only by navigating the Usumacinta River.
Finally we will enjoy the beauty of other UNESCO heritage sites, such as Palenque, Campeche and Uxmal. The tour will end with the icing on the cake, Chichen Itza, one of the seven wonders of the world, yet another surprise of this tour ready to leave an indelible mark on your hearts